
Technical Specifications


Rules and mechanics

-Artwork and user interface-

Gameplay and balance

Music and sound

Background story



Artificial Intelligence


Conceptual Art: In-Game Interface
Interface Gamma Gun

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Early Designs of the interface and the gamma gun. It will emit a ray like beam that will fly to its target.

Interface Mine Launcher

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Another early design of the interface. Shows mine launcher, mine, and crosshair designs.

Conceptual Art: Animals
Original Animals

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These were the first drawn concepts of the unpolished animals. These are going to be used as references to model the polished versions.


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A more refined drawing of the Whaguana. This creature will be very large in proportion and will likely go through a few more changes before it goes into the game.

Conceptual Art: Environment
Zoo Scene

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This drawing shows the classic zoo environment with a broken fence. Animals will be escaping through wholes in fences like these. Also the zoo bar is shown at the bottom and the main character will pick it up once he walks over it.

Starting Position

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The character will be starting at the beginning of the zoo. He will see something that resembles this scene in the beginning.

   Copyright Firedragon Designing 2008. All rights reserved.